
Domaine Franco-Chinois (DFC) is a winery that emerged from a joint agricultural project between France and China, taking its name from the two nations and reflecting the unwavering dedication to winemaking excellence.


An official meeting between China and France marks the beginning of cooperation in viticulture and wine production.


The Chinese and French Ministers of Agriculture sign an agreement in Paris for the establishment of a Sino-French Viticulture and Winemaking Demonstration Farm (Ferme Pilote Vitivinicole Sino-Français). Huailai, Hebei, is selected as the location that same year.


The Sino-French Cooperation Demonstration Farm is officially established, aiming to become a benchmark in the Chinese wine industry.


The Demonstration Farm welcomes its first harvest.


The Sino-French Viticulture and Winemaking Demonstration Farm is renamed Domaine Franco-Chinois.


Domaine Franco-Chinois becomes a sister winery to its neighboring Canaan Winery, both belonging to the Canaan Investment Group.

Situated in Huailai, Hebei, near the capital city of Beijing, Domaine Franco-Chinois capitalizes on the virtues of authentic French grapevine. Through years of scientific cultivation, varietal enhancement, and sophisticated winemaking techniques, Domaine Franco-Chinois melds Huailai’s extraordinary terroir and varietal features to craft consistently exceptional Chinese fine wines.

Bearing Fruit

The Sino-French Viticulture and Winemaking Demonstration Farm (Ferme Pilote Vitivinicole Sino-Français) was a joint agricultural cooperation project signed between the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the French Republic (Le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche de la République Française) and implemented by Hebei Province. It began in 2000 and achieved remarkable results after eight years of dedication.
To foster stronger bonds between the two nations and showcase the accomplishments of agricultural collaboration, the Bearing Fruit monument was purposefully erected as a tribute to the partnership.

The People’s Government of Hebei Province
September 2009



The Domaine Franco-Chinois logo features a three-part design, including a crown at the top, a shield in the middle, and the encircling grapevines. The “DFC” in the crown stands for Domaine Franco-Chinois. The shield-shaped coat of arms in the middle, a classic symbol of French nobility, is adorned with peonies representing China and fleur-de-lis signifying France carved crosswise on the shield.

The peonies symbolize Chinese classical elegance and grace, while the fleur-de-lis epitomizes light and freedom. The fleur-de-lis is also associated with French royalty, encapsulating France’s aristocratic poise and majestic sophistication. The harmonious pairing of these two flowers embodies the positive aspirations and potential of blending Chinese and French cultures. The grapevines surrounding the coat of arms are emblematic of wine.

The DFC logo artfully blends Chinese and French elements—a seamless fusion of time-honored French winemaking traditions and the ambition to establish a gold standard within the Chinese wine industry.